Ongoing Winter Clothing Giveaway
Our winter clothing giveaway at Her Safety Net has been a great success.
In December, Her Safety Net launched a big clothing giveaway to help keep everyone in our community warm this winter. With the help of our partners, including members of the AK Collaborative, we held a clothing drive that collected boxes and boxes of jackets, long-sleeved shirts, slacks and all types of indoor and outdoor clothing for adults, children and infants.
We’re happy to report that the giveaway has been a success and helped out a lot of individuals and families in need in our area. We’ve been spreading the word in social media, at our website and with flyers distributed throughout the local community.
Please stop by our offices between 9am-5pm weekdays, if anyone you know needs winter and spring clothes. This event is ongoing — there is still an enormous selection of clothing to choose from.